Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hurry up and wait!

We arrived at O'Hare with plenty of time to spare. Good thing. Since all the tickets were on one record locator, the three agents could only work as fast as the computer would allow...which was a snail's pace! But we made it through and didn't have to pay an overweight baggage fee either! (Good thing we were all together. We had to switch some items around in the bags but it all worked out in the end.)

The agents were very nice and after the last person checked in, she stopped me before leaving and asked me to pray for her brother! We prayed right there at the ticket counter! God is so good!!

Now we wait to board the plane. Giggles everywhere! Fun.

In Him,


  1. So cool that you got to pray with the ticket lady--spreading His love before you leave Chicago!!!

  2. God is trully moving, and before you even leave the country! God is good, and people can see His love through all of you already! Have a great time, and shine His light all around!
